Welcome to Heath Players
Heath Players' newsletter has been called "Prompt Corner" since we first produced them as photocopied sheets in the 1970s.
We'll post here our news that we send to members and supporters

Prompt Corner-June 2024
Auditions for The Memory of Water, Play Reading, Details of our AGM, Report from Hertford Theatre Week
Audition Notice for "The Memory of Water" by Shelagh Stephenson
Our autumn production is this great play, which will be directed by Jenna Young. Jenna is making her directorial debut.
Auditions will be held on
Saturday 22 June at 3.30pm in the Committee Room, Village Hall, Hatfield Heath, and
Tuesday 25 June at 7.30pm in the Institute, Hatfield Heath
Performances will be on 31 October, 1 & 2 November.
Cast members will be required for all evenings that week.
Rehearsals dates will be arranged once the play is cast.
Three sisters; Teresa, Mary and Catherine, come together before their mother's funeral, each haunted by their own demons. The play focuses on how each sister deals with the death and how it directly affects them. The three each have different memories of the same events, causing constant bickering about whose memories are true. As the three women get together after years of separation, all their hidden lies and self-betrayals are about to reach the surface.
If you would like more information have questions please get in touch with Jenna on 07757 436775 or jenna.louise11@hotmail.co.uk.
As well as cast we will be looking for people to be involved in various aspects of backstage, production and Front of House work please email heathplayers@yahoo.co.uk or phone Mark on 07963 069609.
The cast consists of 4 females and 2 males and the following may give some idea of the characters, however there may be some flexibility over ages.
Viv (40-50)
The mother whose funeral the sisters are attending. She has died at the age of 75, after a period of dementia, but we meet her as she exists in Mary's imagination / memory, in her middle years – so around the same age as her eldest daughter, Teresa. She is 'sexy and immaculate', dressed confidently in clothes of the late 1950s / early 1960s. She has done her best as a mother and dealing with a fairly loveless, asexual marriage, showing loyalty to her family as is expected by society but at the cost of her own character. Appears in small sections of the play but is absolutely crucial in underpinning the whole scenario.
Teresa (40-45)
The oldest daughter. The most conventional and responsible of the three sisters. Has been married twice. Speaks her mind (while finding it difficult to express her own emotions). Highly controlled. Has no head for alcohol and lets down her guard completely when drunk. Runs a business with her husband Frank supplying herbal remedies. In charge. Keeps busy. Has acted in loco parentis for youngest sister Catherine as there is a 10+ age gap between them.
Mary (38-43)
The middle daughter. Has conversations with her mother's memory / spirit. A doctor specialising in neurology. Intellectual, educated and serious (although with a sharp sense of humour). In a relationship with a married man (Mike). We discover that she gave birth to a child at the age of 14 who was given up for adoption – which informs her desperation to have a child in later life, with increasing panic as she approaches the menopause. A very complex character.
Catherine (30-35)
The youngest daughter. Demanding, needy, outrageous, attention-seeking, desperate, pretty, funny, lonely, sad. Throws herself into relationships that then explode in her face. Always the baby of the family, resents their treatment of her as such, but continues to behave childishly and throw her toys out of the pram. Hugely energetic and never still.
Mike (40-50)
Mary's long-time married lover. A doctor at the same hospital as her. Handsome, intelligent and charming. Is betraying his wife, who is ill with ME. Is completely unable to choose between the two women in his life. Is traumatised by Mary's statement that she believes she is pregnant – not least because he has had a vasectomy.
Frank (40-50)
Teresa's second husband. Is unhappy about the health-supplement business that they run together as he simply doesn't believe in it; his dream is to run a pub. Practical, pragmatic, observes the family from the sidelines ('It's worse than the Borgias') and does his best to help.
Our next play reading
Confetti by Simon Mawdsley
Thursday 13 June at 7.30pm.
The Bungalow, Dunmow Road, Hatfield Heath
Confetti is a wonderful play by a local playwright, Simon Mawdsley. It explores the dynamics that occur when two very different families are brought together by a marriage. Complex relationships, secrets and lies are explored with humour and on a day most of us can relate to in one way or another. It’s a joy to read and lots of parts to go around. Please join us!
This is an informal, social play reading and everyone is welcome. You can just sit and listen if you like!
Afterwards we will have refreshments and discuss the play.
The Revlon Girl at Hertford Theatre Week
After a gap of 5 years, Heath Players returned to Hertford Theatre Week.
A new venue, but the format was the same and it was great to see many familiar faces.
All went well on our allotted day and director Steve Foster was very happy with the performance. We received a very favourable adjudication, reaction from audience and the Theatre Week crew.
Ultimately, however, we left empty handed; Barn Theatre Club's production of "Hansard" sweeping the board. The runners-up spot was hotly contested and we just missed out to White Cobra Productions. Equally, although the actors received an honourable mention for the adjudicator's award, that was given to HD&OS.
That said, we should be very proud of the acting, set and all other parts of the production. We look forward to returning next year.
AGM and Social Event
21 July from 2pm (AGM at 3pm)
The AGM will be held at The Bungalow, Dunmow Road, Hatfield Heath. We will be gathering from 2pm with a short meeting starting at 3pm. Once this is over we'll continue with a social event.
We'll have a new look to the committee next year. Mark Ratcliff is resigning as chair and we have a nomination for Jo Gladstone to replace him which leaves the secretary's position vacant. Also stepping down is our treasurer Margaret Lines; if there is anyone who would like to take over either of these roles, or join the committee in any capacity please email heathplayers@yahoo.co.uk or ring Mark on 07963 069609.